In a matter of weeks and months, life has changed for everyone on the planet. Of course, these are difficult times when we are unable to see loved ones and stuck working at home and while we are all social distancing it may be challenging to establish new routines. Here's how to prioritise self-care while social distancing.
1. Exercise at home
In some cities, people can go outside once a day to exercise and, in other places, people are only able to exercise in their homes. But, in these unusual times, it's important to exercise. Many free videos on YouTube can help you create an exercise routine, whether you're doing Pilates, Yoga, running in place, HIIT, or completing an at-home exercise without equipment. There are many options to choose from. It's important that you take time each day to move, especially when people are confined to their homes or gardens (if you're lucky enough to have one).
Exercises to try:
20 Min Full Body Workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBMk30rjy0o
30 Min HIIT Cardio Workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml6cT4AZdqI
Yoga for Weight Loss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmSIMpIDa_A
PE with Joe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zGzJdPB-1A
2. Eat healthily
The range of foods that you're used to may not be available right now, but that doesn't mean you can't make healthy choices. Try and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables when they are available to ensure your body is getting the right nutrients. You may also use this time to get more adventurous with your cooking, learning to adapt recipes with items you have in your fridge or pantry. Again, many YouTubers and famous chefs have provided options for those who are social distancing. Now's the time to learn how to make bread and pasta (if these are skills you've always wanted to learn) or even to try out that cake recipe.
Recipes to try:
Homemade Bread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFr38fjmMGE
Gordan's Quick & Simple Recipes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhDJNfV7hjk
6 Simple Indian Recipes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQpjlPUo7m8

3. Create routines
If you're lucky enough that you can work from home, try and create a routine. Begin and end work at the same time each day. Wake up and follow a self-care routine such as eating breakfast and making a cup of tea, sitting by the window to enjoy the daylight before you sit at your computer all day long. Plus, eating healthily and exercise are important if you aren't walking and moving as usual.
For those heroes who are on the front lines such as doctors, nurses, paramedics, other healthcare professionals, waste management staff, postal workers, supermarket workers, and much more, it's important that you create routines too. In the morning and when you come home from work, it's vital you take time to care for yourself and create a routine that's as close to normal as before. Take time to catch up on your favourite television shows, exercise, stretch, or take a hot bath.
A Guide to Self-Care: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnrtxAmdQ_w
4. Care for you hair
Since the salons aren't open, many people are worried about the condition of their hair. But now's the time where you can care for your hair like never before. You can pre-poo with hair oils, you can apply hair masks, you can ditch the styling tools and hairdryers, and see your hair transform. Then, when social distancing ends, you can enjoy fabulous hair. Take a look at some of the amazing hair products we have on offer.
For everyone out there, stay safe during these uncertain times.
Stay home and save lives.